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11.08.2022, Words by Billy Ward

John Alone's amapiano record 'Omolola (Anita)' is all about "patient love"

It builds upon the sound of John's popular 'African English' project...

After dropping his sizzling first single of the year during July’s UK heatwave, London-based vocalist John Alone is back up-and-running following an extended hiatus, adding a brand new single ‘Omolola (Anita)’ to his 2022 account.

Where last month’s track ‘PACKSONME’ showcased the Nigerian-born talent’s signature blend of rapped R&B vocals atop an ethereal, synth-heavy production, the new offering demonstrates his versatility with an effortless amapiano sound.

Looking back through his discography so far, John’s music has always been part of a wider personal pursuit of spirituality, independence, and self-preservation, which lends to the creation of his latest output.

Fusing rhythmic beats with John’s trademark vocal presence, ‘Omolola (Anita)’ is already positioning itself to be an uplifting, dance-floor weapon during the warmer months, taking listeners on a journey through the ups and downs of love with his smooth lyrical style.

“Omolola is a song about patient love,” John says about the single. “Finally meeting the one you feel you’ve been waiting for after a string of less than ideal experiences.”

The amapiano influence builds upon the sound of John’s popular ‘African English’ project, making the single the perfect summer track with its addictive, soul-bearing sound and ear-worm chorus.

Stream ‘Omolola (Anita) below or listen with your preferred player here.

‘Omolola (Anita)’ by John Alone is out now on Lonely Sun via DMY.

Submit music for release via DMY Artists.

Read next: John Alone splices rap and R&B on new single ‘PACKSONME’

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